To be the undisputed “Glocal” leader, providing our customers with a service unmatched by the competition
(GLOCAL refers to the adaptation of globally available products and services to local markets)
Create added value for customers by providing cutting-edge services, products and solutions
Here in Athens we do this.
Here our government favors the many instead of the few: and for this reason it is called democracy.
Here in Athens we do this.
The laws here ensure equal justice for all in their private disputes, but we never ignore the merits of excellence. When a citizen distinguishes himself, then he will be, in preference to others, called to serve the State, but not as an act of privilege, as a reward for merit, and poverty does not constitute an impediment.
Here in Athens we do this.
The freedom we enjoy also extends to daily life; we are not suspicious of each other and we never annoy our neighbor if our neighbor likes to live his way. We are free, free to live just as we like and yet we are always ready to face any danger. An Athenian citizen does not neglect public affairs when he attends to his own private affairs, but above all he does not take care of public affairs to resolve his private matters.
Here in Athens we do this.
We were taught to respect the magistrates, and we were also taught to respect the laws and never forget that we must protect those who receive offense. And we were also taught to respect those unwritten laws that reside in the universal feeling of what is right and what is common sense.
Here in Athens we do this.
We do not consider a man who is not interested in the State harmless, but useless; and although few are able to give life to a policy, well everyone here in Athens is able to judge it. We do not consider the discussion as an obstacle on the path to democracy. We believe that happiness is the fruit of freedom, but freedom is only the fruit of value. In short, I proclaim that Athens is the school of Hellas and that every Athenian grows up developing within himself a happy versatility, self-confidence, the readiness to face any situation and this is why our city is open to the world and we never chase away a foreigner.
Here in Athens we do this.